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Demand an End to Real Estate Loopholes in New York!

State Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal and State Senator Robert Jackson have introduced Bills A5026A/S3820A to set limits on mechanical space with the goal of avoiding scenarios like developer Extell’s 161-foot proposed void at 50 West 66th Street. If passed, this legislation will amend the Multiple Dwelling Law (MDL) in order to give a three-dimensional value to Floor Area Ratio (FAR), the means by which the number of occupiable floors are counted within NYC Zoning since 1961. 

The plain language sets a standard floor to floor height at 12-feet for upper floors, 25-feet for street level floors (set in order to accommodate truck loading bays).  Should a developer deem a larger ceiling height be preferred, they can still build it, but the height would count against the allotted FAR. 

The legislative session is currently over, set to resume in January 2020.  But by signing on now, you are reminding legislators on the State Housing Committee of its importance, and increasing awareness so this bill (likely, under new numbers as of January 2020) can be calendared for a vote.  Save Central Park NYC has launched a petition to make sure this legislation is voted on in the 2020 session.  Please sign on to help this necessary legislation move forward.  

This legislation aims to ensure developers are building within the intention of the multiple dwelling law by closing existing loopholes. This legislation imposes restrictions on the size of allowable mechanical voids, sets a ceiling height cap of 12 feet for a given floor’s area to only be counted once and ensures that balconies and terraces will be counted towards a building’s total floor area. Through this added specificity, communities across the state will be able to better control the scale of new development.


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